The outer archipelago Our cottages are situated south-west on the Åland Islands. Here the archipelago is quite open but anyhow sheltered inside the bays. That makes good conditions for the sea trouts.From October until May the fishing for sea trout is good, if the sea is not under ice. The other times of the year you fish for pike and perch. If you drive a few seamiles out, the water temperature and the bottom of the sea are totally different from inside the bays. So you don´t need to drive so far to reach the best fishing spots. One example is when you fish salmon with trolling tecnique in the sea. Only 2 sea miles from land the deep is over 100 meters and there you could get big shiny salmons during May - June. Fishing tips These fishing tips concern fishing on the Åland Islands,but you could sure use them on other places as well. The most important, don´t give up! Abborre=Perch The Finnish name on our islands, Ahvenanmaa, means country of perches. The pearch is a fish living in schools and it likes warm water. On a nice summer evening you can sit and catch a lot of perches with a simple fish hook. But there are other funny methods to catch perch. You can e g "jig" with an ultra light rod. Gädda=Pike The crocodile of the Baltic sea - the pike like the muddy Autumn water inside the weed bays and in the clear water on the seaweed bottoms on the Summer. The ideal water temperatur for the pike is about 15 degrees. In the summer, it´s often that temperatur out on the shallow waters, even if the water is over 20 degrees inside the bays. The pike is not so shy like the sea trout but it´s lazy. But if the bate is close enough, the pike bites explosive. Because the pike likes the bate close before it bites , it could be better to fish more careful on the shallow waters, then you do when you fish for sea trouts. If the water is muddy and it´s a little windy, you could even throw your anchor and fish for an half hour. Havsöring=Sea Trout When we fish sea trout from the boat, we use to move over great areas on the same day. You don´t need to make so many casts on every place, better to move all the time. Forget the anchor. The sea trout moves a lot, so you can go back again after a couple of hours. The trout is a school fish, so if you see or take one fish, maybe you should try to take one more. And don´t give up to soon. The spring evening is long.. During late autumn, winther and spring it´s possible to catch sea trouts, if of course there´s no ice covering the sea. In the winther time many trouts are caught from land. However, the best time is the spring, and fishing from boat, when the water temperature is about 5-10 degrees. Lax=Salmon Our biggest fish, the salmon, is a treveller fish. Every summer it passes Åland. The last weeks of May and first week of June could be a good idea to troll for salmons. Every year trolling fishermen meet up for a "trolling meeting" and a competition, who catch the biggest salmon? Our harbour is one of two spots where the fishes will be weighed during the meeting. When you go for salmon, you try to get a schools effect, with many bates in the water at the same time. You could have 10 rods in the boat while trolling out on deep water. You normally fish from the surface and down to 6-8 meters, but the most bites you get in the surface. |